The Mission of the Huntington Beach Community Garden is to educate children and adults about organic gardening, and to provide an area where residents can grow fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs for their own use and for local food banks.
The Huntington Beach Community Garden (HBCG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded from a desire to create an organic, self-sufficient public garden for the citizens of Huntington Beach.
The Huntington Beach Community Garden is located at 10172 Atlanta Avenue, Huntington Beach, California, 92646. It is just a short walk from the where Atlanta dead ends into the Santa Ana River.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5891, Huntington Beach CA 92615
HBCG Board of Directors
Anna Dreifus, President John Parrish, Vice President
Shannon Samples, Secretary Pam Chapman, Treasurer
Serenity Hanna Annette Parsons
Alice Formaneck Carrie Moore
Bill Blair Joy Stringer
Area Representatives
Area A – Carrie Moore Area B – Bret Masterson
Area C – Pam Chapman Area D – John Parish
Area E – Melissa Arcenas-Walsh Area F – Sandra Lavoie